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Gosden Hill - Proposals being consulted upon. View article This site is one of the major Strategic Sites identified in the Local Plan (LPSS) 2019 as Policy A25.  The site has been owned by developer Martin Grant for several years. The developer is now prior to submitting a planning application for th... View article Thought Provoking Architecture Lecture 2024 View article The 2024 lecture was delivered on the 17th October by Cany Ash and Robert Sakula the two co-founding partners of Ash Sakula Architects , one of the UK’s leading housing and regeneration architects. With the governments initiat... View article Society Response to the NPPF Consulation View article The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is the key document that manages how local plans are prepared.  The Guildford Society has now submitted its reply to the Ministry of Housing on the proposed changes to the document.  Our reply c... View article Mount Brown and Law College Redevelopment Revisions - UPDATED 1/10/2024 View article The proposals to redevelop the adjoining sites of Mount Browne and the Law college have both had modifications submitted recently. We have updated our descriptions of the plans on our interactive map of Key Sites for Development in Guildford. ... View article Standard Design for Small – Medium Stations View article Network Rail has been working since 2018 to create a station design that is modern, efficient, sustainable and most importantly meets passenger needs.. The proposed design needs to be capable of being developed at scale, for low cost, wi... View article Planning Changing Yet Again View article The new government has wasted no time in considering putting in place it's proposals for revising planning rules. See annoucement here.  As part of this exercise it has produced a revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for co... View article Surrey Hills National Landscape (AONB) View article Surrey Hills National Landscape was previously known as the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB).   Surrey Hills National Landscape have completed consultation on the proposals to extend the National Landscape Boundari... View article Transport - Ambitions for the New Government? View article The Urban Transport Croup has published a review of Rail and Urban Transport in response to a request from the Labour Party late in 2023 to look at options for Urban Transport and Rail.  Arups have provided input to the report.  ... View article Electric Storage Units View article A interesting planning application (24/P/01144) has been received by the council for the 'Construction and operation of a micro energy storage unit in Guildford'. The applicants (AMP) are proposing the installation of a  200kW (8... View article Strategic Approach Required at Station? - Updated July 2024 View article The owners of No 1 Farnham Road (23/P/00764 ) have submitted a plan to add two stories to office space at No 1 Farnham Road.  The construction works to add two storey’s are extensive and involve major demolition to portions of the Gro... View article Heights Policy for Guildford is being developed. View article The Guildford Society has campaigned for Guildford to adopt a Supplementary Planning Document to strenghten control on heights in the Town Centre in particular.  See links below We are delighted that progress is finally being made, as in... View article Summary - Annual General Meeting 2024 View article The Society welcomed it's members to the 88th meeting of the Society in it's present form.  The Annual report in shortened form can be by clicking on the post. The second part of the meeting consisted of a short presentation on the ... View article Impact of the New Government View article As a new Labour government takes charge, it is worth looking at the Labour Manifesto as to how the new government might affect the bult environment and natural environment of Guildford Borough.  Obviously, any Political Manifesto has to be ... View article Local Climate Change Policies View article Guildford Borough Council (GBC) has produced a Draft Climate Change, Sustainable Design, Construction and Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  SPDs provide detailed guidance on how the Council will apply planning policy ... View article Stag Hill and Wisley Developments - Determination. View article The Stag Hill Cathedral Site development was rejected by the council.  The developers Vivid and the Cathedral appealed the decision.  The inspector has now reported his decision and rejected the appeal.   The inspector’s ... View article Guildford Police Station Proposed for Closure View article Surrey police have announced that the police station in Woodbridge road will close and the majority of activities will transfer to the revamped Mount Browne site to the south of the town.  A counter service will remain in the Town Centre.  ... View article

Selected National & Local Planning Policies

The Guildford Society

The Guildford Society has been an active voice, speaking up for the town and its surrounding countryside and villages for over a century.  

While mindful of the past, our heritage and precious environment, we look firmly to the future

We recognise that development must, and will, take place. However, we do not believe this should be at the expense of Guildford’s historic character and beauty, nor of the unspoilt countryside that surrounds it. 

We want our town to be vibrant, attractive, and liveable. We support development that brings a sense of place and enhances the best aspects of our town. If such aims can be embraced, we believe Guildford has the chance to lead the way in enabling sensitive and sustainable development.

Pressures for development are increasing. Planning rules are being eased. The Society’s commitment to standing up for Guildford is needed more than ever.  

Other Organisations

The Society engages with a variety of other organisations who share our interests and we share their links for information. We are also include links to Guildford Borough Council and other Government bodies and Developers of key sites. Finally we include other links of interest that are related to the borough.

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Getting involved allows the society to continue its work.   We welcome new members, from every age and background.  Membership provides an opportunity for you to contribute to the continued health of the town and surrounding area, and to meet other people who care about Guildford.