Wisley Airfield Update

18 June 2021

Still Moving Forward

News of the Wisley Development has been quiet lately, but a lot has been going behind the scenes.

A Public Consultation Event took place in mid-May.  There is a summary Video of the scheme indicative form on the Wisley Airfield  Website  The site also has a slide pack presentaion  plus commentary on other material used at the consultation.

Several issues need to be resolved before plans can be submitted:

  1. Taylor Wimpey are pressing hard for Highways England and Surrey County Council to review and sign off the traffic surveys. 
  2. The results of further consultation on the Cycle Routes are due to be published in the next few days.
  3. The SE Design Review Panel have reviewed the plans for a 3rd time and have sent comments to the developers.  Clarification and response to the Design Review is on-going..  The Panel report will be made public once signed off by both sides.
  4. Taylor Wimpey are have not added any further information about the Junction 10 hold up.  A decision is awaited 11-2021
  5. A Design Code for the site is in preparation and will be available shortly.

A Hybrid planning application is likely to be submitted in Q3-4 which will include the completed Transport Mode, Design Code, and proposals for the SANG and Section 106 payments.

(The illistration is an illustrative design of the central area of the site)

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