Weyside Urban Village Planning Application

31 December 2020

1500 Dwellings by the Wey Navigation

A planning application has now been submitted for the Weyside Urban Village, which is part of the allocated site for the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project for a mixed-use development.

The planning application covers:

  1. Outline planning approval for:
    1. the demolition of existing buildings and infrastructure and outline planning permission for up to 1550 dwellings;
    2. local centre comprising up to 1800 sqm of retail (inc. convenience store), healthcare, community, nursery and flexible employment uses
    3. Up to 500 sqm of flexible community facilities); up to 6,600 sqm of flexible employment space;
    4. Up to 30,000 sqm for new Council Depot Site (Use Classes E/B8); 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches (Use Class C3); and associated road infrastructure, landscaping (including Sustainable Drainage Systems) and amenity space.
  2. Full planning permission for the development of primary and secondary site accesses, internal access roads and associated landscaping.
  3. Full planning permission for engineering operations associated with remediation and infrastructure, including primary and secondary sub-stations; utilities and drainage (including Sustainable Drainage Systems).

Note a separate planning permission for the repositioned Sewage Plant will be submitted.

The planning application consists of 246 documents!!!   The application is probably more extensive than that for the EU-UK Trade Agreement.

Please see our Weyside Village Page for more details.

We are also developing a set of points we will be considering as comments for the planning application.

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