Magnet Store Replacement

Mixed Use Building Proposed.


Retail, Community Workspace, Office Space, Self Storage

Type & Status


Under Consultation


7,000 SQ/M Self Storage

33 Parking Bays

Site Size 0.52HA

5 Stories

Commercial and Office Space no details available.


Architecture 00




Compound: an investor, developer and operator of commercial real estate, are proposing to revelop the site currently occupied by the Magnet Kitchen Store.

Compound: propose a “A reimagined storage facility to include community workspaces and retail whilst acting as a gateway beacon at the intersection of the Guildford out-of-town zone and the town centre. Offering a mix of street-facing office, retail and SME spaces on the ground and first floors, as well as convenient self-storage units on the upper floors”.

See Developers Consultation Brochure Below



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