Development Management Policies

19 October 2021

Consultation on clarification and amendment to the Local Plan

The Local Plan adopted by the Council in March 2019 is being fleshed out by further refinement of policies embodied in a Development Management (DMP) document.  The public consultation on the DMP is proposed to run from a date in November 2021 for a period of six weeks.

There have some notable changes in the policy approaches set out in the agreed local plan which include refinement of policy approach, presentational/structural changes, new policies, deleted policies and changes in policy approach.

New policies due to changing national policy/guidance and consultation process include:

  • Policy H7: Review Mechanisms
  • Policy H8: First Homes
  • Policy D10a: Light Impacts and Dark Skies

Some policies have been deleted as they are already addressed within the NPPF (recently updated), existing adopted policy or other emerging policies. These include:

  • Policy E10: Rural development (including agricultural diversification)
  • Policy ID7: Sport, Recreation and Leisure Facilities

The DMP also includes proposals to modify exisiting policies as an alternative option is considered more practical:

These are:

  • Regulation 18 Policy D14: Climate Change Mitigation, which is now called Policy D14: Carbon Emissions from Buildings, no longer simply relies on the Government’s Future Homes standard being introduced and now includes a reduction in carbon emissions of at least 31% (compared with 20% in the LPSS)
  • Regulation 18 Policy D15: Large scale renewable and low carbon energy, which is now called Policy D15: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments, no longer allocates a specific site but provides criteria for assessing such proposals
  • Policy ID11: Parking Standards has been significantly changed. The key changes are maximum standards in urban areas (previously Guildford town centre only), expected standards in village and rural areas (previously minimums) and that parking standards in Neighbourhood Plans will take precedence over standards in the LPDMP, except in relation to Strategic Sites.  To support these changes the council has bought forward a Parking Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - See Related Article Below..

The full DMP in draft form as presented to the recent Executive Advisory Board can be linked to below.


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