On your Bike!

17 November 2020

Electric Bikes – The new commuting?

e-Bike Subsidy?

The Department of Transport has published Gear change a bold vision for cycling and walking (See document below), with a foreword by that keen cyclist the prime minister.

The UK government is planning, according to press reports, to offer a scheme in support of its cycling initiatives; that would cut the cost of e-bikes by up to 30% thus offering commuters a “sweat-free” alternative to conventional bicycles.  The scheme is aimed at boosting the number of people using battery-assisted bikes, appealing directly to commuters riding in business outfits and those who are older or less fit.

For those who have never used a e-Bike, you still need to pedal but you select the level of assistance via switch, you always need to supply some effort.   

The department has also published in July new standards for cycle infrastructure (See Below).

The society welcomes moves to encorage cycling but it does need to be accompanied by proper cycle way provision locally (you need to be a brave cyclist to use the one way system in Guildford!!), secure parking, and recharging points.

Holland is leading the way- again

Inevitably Holland is well ahead of the UK.  E-Bikes have become very popular in Holland with interesting impacts e.g. older people are using e-bikes to extend their active cycling years.

Dutch Railways are now looking to replace ashtrays (smoking posts) at stations with e-bike chargers

A spokesman said

“We want people to travel sustainably from door to door. Not only by train, but for example by bicycle to the station. By converting smoking posts into charging stations, we can ensure that more people take the electric bike.”

Each planned charger can charge two electric bicycles simultaneously. Unlike electric car chargers, electric bicycle chargers are low power, typically drawing around 100-250 watts of power. That’s around twice as powerful as a laptop charger.


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