St Marys Update

23 February 2022

The Debate Continues

The proposals for the redevelopment of the Debenhams site on the River Wey to form a new St Mary’s Wharf development continue to attract comment on the Guildford Borough Planning website. 

Many support the application but those, including the Society, who have objected have expressed many concerns, including in particular the Height and Mass of the Buildings, with their impact on the surrounding area.

As well as the lengthy objection from Historic England, there is now a interesting critique on the Urban Design from the GBC Policy Offer - Urban Design which concludes the design does not comply with the requirements of the NPPF para 130, National Design Guidance, Local Design Policy and Local Design Guidance.

The National Trust as custodians of the River Wey and the Environment Agency have also raised concerns.  A revision to the Flood Risk Assessment has also been posted on the Website following receipt from the developers.

It will be interesting to see how Native Land, the developers, respond to the issues raised.

We provide links to all four letters below.  The Flood Risk Assement (9-2-2022 100 pages) can be found at the Planning Website together with all documents and comments published


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