Guildford Station Development - Solum proposing changes.

28 March 2021

Dwelling numbers to be increased?

Solum, the Keir Network Rail Joint Venture, have requested from Guildford Borough Council an opinion on the scope of an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) to be submitted in conjunction with a planning application for the Guildford Station Site Redevelopment.  See 21/S/00003

It appears that Solum wish to increase the number of dwellings on 4 of the 5 blocks in the development from 340 to 405 dwellings.  The whole development was consented at the appeal hearing (planning application 14/P/02168)for circa 438 dwellings .

This increase doesn’t apply to the northernmost block E of the development which currently is planned to remain at 98 dwellings. In July 2020 it was announced that Grainger PLC the UK’s largest listed Private Rented Sector (PRS) landlord had agreed a deal with Solum to forward Fund part of the development, subject to conditions, in exchange for circa 100 units.  It is believed Grainger are acquiring Block E.


Consented Application 14/P/02168

With 21/S/00003

Block A-D

340 Units


Block E Sold to Grainger as a PRS Scheme






No further details have been made available via the GBC Planning Website.  It is noted that the EIA being proposed will include consideration of:

1 Socio-economics

2 Air Quality

3 Noise & Vibration

4 Ground Conditions

5 Water Resources & Flood Risk

6 Daylight, Sunlight, and Overshadowing

Although many of these aspects may related to the building of the development, we hope the reference to Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing doesn’t indicate changes to what is already the damaging bulk of the buildings. It is noted the Town Centre Views SPD might have prevented the Solum scheme being consented in its current form.

The society is supportive of Guildford Station being redeveloped.  We believe the Solum scheme is fundamentally flawed and that it should not have been consented in it current form.  The increase in dwellings on a major part of the development by 17% raises issues about the size and mix of dwellings being provided, and the impact on facilities in the Town Centre.  We await the full application with interest.

For more detail click here

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