Surrey Delivery Plan to Improve the Climate

07 April 2022

Delivery Plan

Surrey County Council (SCC) has published its Delivery Plan for the next five years, as the first steps on a 30 year plan to get to Net Zero.

The SCC plan recognises that climate change is real, and its effects are already being felt worldwide.  Surrey will be impacted due to greenhouse gases affecting the health, wellbeing and finances of Surrey’s residents, businesses, landscapes, and biodiversity.  SCC intend that Surrey plays its part in reducing dependency on fossil fuels.

Surrey’s Climate Change Strategy (Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (2021-2025) ) was published in 2020 responding to Local Authorities declaring a climate emergency and setting a target for Surrey to become net-zero carbon by 2050

The Delivery Plan sets out what needs to happen over the next five years.

Be as ambitious

SCC believe the county needs to be ambitious needing to:

Reduce carbon emissions by 2025 by between 1.3 and 2.3 M tonnes. That’s a 19%-36%vii saving from 2018 levels. This is extremely challenging, requiring levels of funding and policy changes that are not currently in place.

SCC believe that ideally a reduction in carbon emissions of 36% is necessary but likely to be impossible unless fundamental changes in national policy and funding levels occur.

It is up to us all

95% of Surrey’s carbon emissions are generated from the buildings and vehicles of our 1.2 million residents and 65,000 businesses.  Individuals, homeowners, landowners, and businesses will have to work together to achieve results by:

  • changing travel patterns and travelling via active and public
  • transport modes
  • reducing Waste
  • creating energy efficient buildings.
  • maximise on-site renewable energy.
  • businesses can and offer low-carbon goods and services to residents.
  • support community energy schemes
  • planting trees
  • protecting green spaces


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