The Plaza Site on Portsmouth Road


In the Local plan the site is allocated for approximately 90 homes (C3) or accommodation for older people (C2)

The Local Plan requires that any development should consider:

(1) Development proposals must be sensitive to the scale and heights of nearby Listed Buildings, and views of the church tower (St Nicolas Church, Bury Street, Guildford) and views into and out of surrounding conservation areas.

The site is within Millmead and Portsmouth Road Conservation Area

(2) Achieve flood risk betterment, appropriate mitigation and flood risk management, and have regard to the recommendations of the Level 2 SFRA

(3) Avoid development within flood zone 2 (medium risk)

The Local plan recognises the following that the following opportunities are presented by the site

1) Triangular plot lends itself to an innovative design to address the street scene on all elevations

(2) Improvements and reinstatement for pedestrian access and public realm

(3) Help to reduce flood risk in the local area

Current Status

Following the failure to proceed with a consented scheme 17/P/00920 to provide 100 units of Senior Living Accommodation.

Tiger Developments Ltd, have taken on the development of the site for the owners Pegasus land and in the process of conducting a public consultation exercise for the Plaza Site where they are proposing to build a development which will accommodate circa 300 people in Studio Flats (Note this is a considerable uplift in the numbers on site proposed in the Local Plan).

The developers seek to transform the site to create a high-quality co-living development aimed at graduates, young professionals and the business community who want to live and work in Guildford.

Tiger are also committed to providing on-site affordable housing in the form of communal studios offered at affordable / discounted rents and aimed primarily at key workers.

Full details of the initial proposals can be found on the Guildford Plaza Website.  


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