Guildford adopts computer modelling for planning

01 July 2021

Advanced 3D Modelling

Guildford Borough Council are in the process of implementing an advanced computer model of the Town and surroundings to support development and evaluation of plans for the borough.

The software VU.CITY is used by a number of other Local Authorities in the country, including the Greater London Authority.

Guildford has now completed the aerial surveying and conversion to digital form of 19 sq km of the Town Centre, which includes 8,420 Buildings and 85,577 trees.

Some of the detail of the Guildford Model is available at the VU.CITY website and the options that it provides.

Powerful features of the software include:

  • Dynamically insert/replace buildings
  • Review impact of Development from all angles, including at road level
  • Understand Shading
  • Night, Winter, Summer views
  • Buildings can be enhanced with actual and proposed facades.

Those who have seen the model in detail have been struck by the impact the Solum development (Blue Block in the picture)will have on Guildford.  We look forward to seeing developments such as Debenhams, North Street and Plaza Site being put into the model.  It will be an important tool to show planners AND the public the impact of development.

We hope the model can be extended in time to cover the entire borough.

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