Managing Woodland Regeneration

19 May 2022

Reviving woodlands on The Mount.

The woodlands on the pathway from Henley Fort at the top of The Mount to Sunnydown Plantation have been subject to major felling and clearance.  The path now looks very messy with uncleared stumps and branches.

A chance encounter with a three person team of woodland experts surveying the cleared area did offer hope for the future.

The intention is to either plant new broad leafed trees or to nurture trees that are appearing within the cleared area. 

The area has been left deliberately messy to allow for natural  improvement of the soil by rotting, and also to act as cover for existing plants and insects.  

Despite the dry spring there are encouraging signs of regeneration with native broad leaf species establishing themselves.  A higher number of birds have been observed, as they like open woodland with plenty of border areas.. 

Regular surveys will be conducted, but it will be next year, at the earliest, before any decisions on planting are taken.

Naturalists Take an Interest

The team did emphasis that, despite appearances, there is a lot happening at present and it is worth keeping a eye out for emerging plants, birds, and smaller animals such as lizards etc.

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