Guildford Not Meeting its Housing Targets

21 January 2021

Action Plan Required

The Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHCLG) has just published (19-1-2021) its annual report on Housing Delivery Test that monitors local authorities delivery of new houses against plans.  Guildford is identified as a borough that needs a action plan to show it will deliver to plan.

MHCLG have published that Guildford over the period 2017 to 2020 should have delivered 1628 new homes, this compares with actual completions of 1463 which provides a Housing Delivery Test Measurement of 90%.  Under MHCLG rules this means the planning authority will need to produce an action plan to rectify the deficit.

The action plan is produced by the local planning authority where delivery is below 95% of their housing requirement. It will identify the reasons for under-delivery, explore ways to reduce the risk of further under-delivery and set out measures the authority intends to take to improve levels of delivery.

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