Guildford Design Awards 2022/3 and Guildford Design Awards Exhibition.

04 June 2022

A collaboration between Guildford Borough Council and the Council

The Guildford Design Awards is a joint initiative between the Guildford Society and Guildford Borough Council, established to encourage and recognise good design in new buildings, restoration and conservation projects which ensure the legacy of our heritage buildings. Good design also encompasses projects which demonstrate sustainable energy principles and exemplary environmental awareness. The Awards help to establish a sense of civic pride in our built environment and improve our awareness of the importance of good design and the benefits it brings to our daily wellbeing.


We are excited to announce that we will be holding an exhibition of the 2020 and 2021 award winning projects in early September to coincide with the Heritage and Architecture Open Days which are from 9 to 18 September. The exhibition will be held in the town centre before going on the road to some of the surrounding villages.

The exhibition will be an opportunity for the public to see and learn about some the excellent quality of buildings and design projects that have been completed across Guildford that entered the awards and hope that the exhibition will encourage participation in the future Guildford Design Awards programmes.

The exhibition will include completed projects in the following categories;

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Public Buildings
  • Community Buildings
  • Individual Houses
  • Multiple Housing
  • Conservation Projects
  • Regeneration Projects
  • The Public Realm
  • Public Art

We look forward to the participation of the local design community and welcoming the public to see these examples of good design in the Borough.

Details of the exhibition dates, locations and entry panel requirements will be published in the near future. 

Design Awards 2022/23

We considered potential entries for a Design Award event in 2022, sadly the lack of potential entries in several categories resulting from the pandemic causing delays in many schemes, have caused us to reluctantly to postpone this year’s awards and to combine them with the Guildford Design Awards for 2023.

Applications for the 2023 awards will be open next spring, this will include schemes identified during our consideration of running an award event in 2022.

We welcome notification of any potential entries over the next 12 months via

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