Farnborough Masterplan

04 April 2022

Moving forward

Farnborough has produced a Town Centre Masterplan to revitalise an area of the town south of the main town centre.  The main features include:

  • Approximately 1,000 new homes designed for different housing needs in the local community
  • A new Leisure and Civic Hub building incorporating sports facilities, a library and community space
  • A new hotel
  • A new skate park
  • A large destination central park which will create an outdoor heart for community activity
  • New shops, cafes and restaurants to help boost the local economy

The summary of the plans can be found on the link below 

Farnborough is a very different town to Guildford which is currently developing its own masterplan. There are some interesting aspects e.g. Green Space, New Sporting facilities and a mobility Hub


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