EnterpriseM3 Annual Report 2020-1

15 August 2021

Reporting on a difficult year.

EnterpriseM3 (previously the LEP) has issued its latest Annual Report 2020 to 2021.  EnterpriseM3 covers the counties of Hampshire and Surrey and promotes innovation and business along the corridor.  The leader of Guildford Borough Council sites on its governance board.

The EnterpriseM3 area has 91,870 Businesses and and in 2019 contributed £65Bn to the UK GDP 3% of the total.

The Annual Report highlights:

  • The launching of the Future Towns Innovation Hub (Based at Souhampton University).
  • A review of the businesses supporting the Space and Satellite capabilities across Surrey and Hampshire
  • A focus on the Animal MedTech Sector and the Computer Games industry as growth Sectors.

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