Build to Rent (BTR) moves into a new market

02 September 2022

Cambridge consents 373 rental homes

The University of Cambridge is developing a major scheme at Erdington on the edge of the city, which will eventually provide 3,000 homes and 2,000 student bedrooms across 150ha site.

As part of the development consent has been obtained for what is being billed as the nation’s first development to ‘feature family houses designed and built exclusively for rent’ as a Build to Rent (BTR) Scheme. The £160 million project is with a partner build-to-rent developer Present Made  to provide 373 houses. 

The architects Jo Cowen  as well as designing the ‘series of pioneering smart homes for rent’, have also drawn up a ‘people before cars’  landscape-led, neighbourhood. It is the UK's only truly purpose-designed and built single-family rental housing development. The development will sit next to Stanton Williams’ 2021 Stirling Prize-shortlisted key worker housing,  


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