Architecture Lecture 2023 - Videos of the Event

15 October 2023

Addressing the Challenges of Urban Housing Design

The Society, in conjunction with the University of Surrey held its Annual Architecture Lecture on the 4th October 2023.

The topic was Addressing the Challenges of Urban Housing Design.

The Guildford Society with our partners the University of Surrey welcomed two leading architects Peter Barber and Simon Hudspith to discuss the challenges of achieving good design for high density housing within urban settings.  Both are respected and innovative architects who have successfully completed award winning urban housing which is unique to the location and provides healthy liveable space. Guildford Town Centre is under pressure to build large dense housing developments e.g. North Street, The Plaza and St Marys Wharf are developments that match the density of schemes being built in London. 

We had two stimulating and relevant talks from our guests folloed by a Question and Answer ession.

Videos of Event - all open as YouTube Videos.

Introduction - Greg Melly University of Surrey.

See Video

Approx length 5 minutes, the Video is Slides accomapanied by Sound track.

Presentation by Simon Hudspith

See Video

Length 40  minutes

Presentation by Peter Barber

See Video

Length 40 minutes

Questions and Answers followed by Thanks from Chair of Guildford Society..

Chaired by Peter Coleman of the Guildford Society with Questions from the audience. 

See Video 

Lenght 35 minutes, the video is a mixture of slides and video.

Our Speakers

Simon Hudspith BA, M. Arch (Penn), RIBA studied at Newcastle University, won the RIBA Bronze medal as an undergraduate and gained a Harkness Fellowship and continued his education at the Southern California Institute of Architecture and the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

He has been a tutor at the Architectural Association, the universities of Birmingham and Cambridge and an external examiner at the universities of Portsmouth, Lincoln and East London. He has lectured throughout the UK and runs urban design seminars for the East Midlands Development Agency and ‘arc’ in Hull. Simon has presented papers at the Royal Town Planning Institute.

He has been a member of the Southwark Design Review Panel since 2005.  He is an awards assessor for the RIBA and Civic Trust and been a competition’s assessor for the RIBA on urban design in historic towns and cultural buildings. In 2009 he was appointed to CABE’s National Design Review Panel and the South East Regional Design Panel.

Simon leads the design process within the office, overseeing consistency and thoroughness from conceptual design to completed buildings. He was in charge of the Collection, Lincoln, Christ’s Lane, Cambridge, Princesshay, Exeter and Davygate in York, which have won a total of eighteen awards. In London he led teams completing residential projects at the Athlete’s Village for the 2012 Olympics, Bear Lane, and Royal Road in Southwark (both being long listed for the Stirling prize

Peter Barber is “one of the country’s leading urbanists“. He is Reader in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Westminster; and has been an external examiner at numerous academic institutions. He advised the government on the production of the Urban Design Compendium, and led a Government forum on ‘Design for better public spaces’, and advised English Partnerships on the running of their prestigious House Competition.  In the past He has been a member of the RIBA Housing Group and a Chairman of judges for the RIBA Awards. 

Peter has lectured about his buildings at many institutions including, the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Architectural League of New York and University schools of Architecture.

His designs have won numerous awards including Housing Design Awards, RIBA and AIA Awards. His acclaimed Donnybrook Quarter, in East London was described in Building Design magazine as the “most innovative large scale housing project in the UK for decades.” The project won first prize in the ‘Innovations in Housing Competition’.

In 2019 his work was the subject of a major retrospective exhibition entitled “100 Mile City and Other Stories” at London Design Museum. 

In 2021 Peter was awarded an OBE and the Soane Medal in 2022. In 2021 he was made a Royal Academician.

Previous Architecture Lectures

Two of our previous architecture lectures on a variety topics are still available to view see links below. 



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